SO the Girl Scout cookies I ordered arrived yesterday. They were ordered the week before I went gluten free and I was a bit bummed that I could have any (and wouldn't! I feel SO much better off wheat, thankyouverymuch) and my daughter rapturously enjoying them last night was a bit rough. This morning's FB contributions yielded a link to GF Samoas. Yeah! While I am trying to manage sugar and carbs, I do want to offer some GF options to my girlie as she is moving toward gluten free eating as well. So my morning research has resulted in GF Do-Si-Dos (yum) and (drumroll please) Thin Mints!
Lastly I hit the mother lode of recipes over here. Now to slowly work through and see which ones work best. :D
Much to my son's deep disappointment... I donated all my GS cookies to the troops... Every year GS Cookie time derails my new years diet! So glad I did!